Students of MI: Nadim

“College is still a transition, even if you’re still living at home. At first, I was kind of nervous because when you hear stories about college, you think about it being difficult, not having enough time and just stressing out about stuff. For the most part, this was true when I first came in. I had to learn how to time manage and develop good study habits. Some people think they can just go to college and do it on their own. I thought I didn’t really need to talk to people, but eventually you’re going to have to. When you’re struggling, talk to your professors, meet at their office hours, ask for help, ask questions in class and network in your classroom.
When I first came to Wayne State University, I wasn’t really planning on being an accountant. I was actually an engineering major, but after you take classes, you understand maybe things aren’t for you. That was the biggest reality check moment for me, trying to figure out what else to do. You have to talk to other people, talk to your parents, and really figure out what is best. That’s when I realized I have to figure out a career path that I’m suited for.
I was more of an introvert in high school, and after I came to college, I was able to get out of my shell and interact with others. I’m now talking to different people in my classroom and willingly starting conversations with others, and that’s when I realized maybe I can do this. This year I went to the career fair, and I didn’t know how I was going to talk to some of the companies. When I got there, I realized maybe it wasn’t as difficult as I thought. It was another moment I realized I could do this.
I’m a first-generation college student. My parents were from Bangladesh, so they always pushed education and that there was no other option but to go to college. One of the issues that I faced with that is my parents weren’t college students from here, so they didn’t understand the requirements or what it takes to get to college. I had to figure that out on my own. My advice is talking to counselors or school staff. If you seek out help, or are confused with something, there’s going to be someone willing to help you out. Always look for help – don’t be shy about it.”
(Nadim, Wayne State University)