Students of MI: Eli

“To me, college is about freedom. The choice is pretty much up to you and what you want to do, it’s like the first day of the rest of your life and the start of adulthood. After choosing Oakland, I felt like I was a Golden Grizzly before I was even accepted. They made me feel like I was at home, which stood out to me. College for me was a chance to explore my interests in photography and digital media, but to also find and better understand myself. It was kind of already predestined for me, given the fact my mom graduated in 2000 from Oakland, so I could easily see myself going here. As long as I keep my grades up, my parents will support me.
I also stayed here for the summer at the summer bridge program which was sponsored by the CMI Office, which is the Center for Multicultural Initiatives. We stayed here for a week and they gave us a little taste of college life: the writing courses, the math courses and also just the social aspect of it. We also had mentors at the end of the program which we still meet to this day to check up on us and make sure that we’re doing okay. It’s definitely something that we need as freshmen because first entering college can be an overwhelming process.
Within my first year, I didn’t jump into too many organizations. I’ve considered working for the school newspaper, because that would look good on a resume. It would also be good to gain a little bit of experience because I’m thinking about going into photojournalism. This is a career I’d really like to work in after graduation and that’s what really motivates me.
As far as choosing a major, my advice would be don’t be afraid to go into college undecided. Go into whatever is best for you, and don’t be afraid to ask for help. The staff here at Oakland are willing to help you and they’re willing to guide you in order to help you better succeed in the future.
The social aspect of college is definitely important: who you surround yourself with, who you know and who you network with. The people who have been in your circle are probably going to be the most crucial factor in the next three to five years to help give you an extra push in order to succeed.”
(Eli, Photography, Oakland University)